The Nordic Dataset for Asthma Research
Asthma is a heterogeneous, chronic airways disease with large variation in prevalence between geographies. In the Nordic countries, prevalence of asthma has been reported to be 10% in Denmark, 9-11% in Finland, 11-12% in Norway, and 8-10% in Sweden. Poor asthma control is associated with substantial reductions in patient quality of life, higher morbidity and mortality, together with significantly increased direct and indirect costs. Despite good treatment options for most patients, up to 10% of patients have severe, treatment-resistant asthma.
The NORdic Dataset for aSThmA Research (NORDSTAR) is a Nordic-wide, population-based dataset including individual-level data on asthma patients and provides unique insights into the natural history of asthma and the development of severe asthma. NORDSTAR is a unique multi-party collaboration between Nordic clinical asthma experts, Quantify Research and the pharmaceutical industry. The ambition of NORDSTAR is to improve everyday lives of asthma patients, by providing better understanding of the burden of (severe) asthma, the risk factors for developing severe asthma, and the potential for improving the prognosis in the individual patient.
NORDSTAR currently comprises of more than 3 million asthma patients across Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden, with up to 30 years and 50 million person-years of follow-up. The database contains detailed information on hospital visits and admissions, medication use, socioeconomics, as well as dates and cause of death, making it possible to study treatment patterns, asthma-related events (e.g. exacerbations), asthma control and severity, healthcare resource use and mortality.
NORDSTAR website:

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