QUANTIFY RESEARCH is a global partner to the pharmaceutical industry in close partnership with academia, patients, public institutions & clinical experts.


1Mar 2024

The 2023 ratings of swedish quality of care registers are out!

Recently, the 2023 ratings of Swedish Quality of care registers were made official and there are many top-rated registries within fields such as oncology, cardiovascular disease, infectious diseases, CNS and musculoskeletal diseases to name a few.

The Swedish disease-specific Quality of care registers, led by healthcare professionals and patient representatives, constitute a globally unique data asset.
With detailed patient-level clinical information related to patient characteristics, medical interventions, and outcomes (including patient-reported […]

27Feb 2024

Newly launched resources for RWD sources and how they can be used for non-interventional post-authorization studies!

Two renewed electronic catalogues of real-world data (RWD) sources and studies to enhance data discoverability have recently been launched by EMA and Heads of Human Medicines.

? The Catalogue of RWD Sources replaces the ENCePP Resources Database, offering a centralised repository for RWD sources and is a great starting point for someone interested in RWD to identify and use such data to investigate the use, safety, and effectiveness of medicines.
Yet, […]

22Feb 2024

Welcome Raphaela!

Welcome to the team Raphaela Mayerhofer, PhD.

Raphaela joins the RWE team in Stockholm following a career at Karolinska InstitutetSödertörn University, and the Medizinische Universität Graz, amongst others.
Alongside her academic career Raphaela has also been working as a scientific writer for a variety of clients.

“I’m excited to join the team at Quantify, leveraging the potential of Scandinavian health data to better […]

20Feb 2024

While we are all waiting for the delayed implementing acts for the EU HTA and the Joint Clinical Assessment (JCA), let´s summarize what we know so far about JCA

·      What is it?
JCA is a streamlined EU-level process that evaluates the relative effectiveness and safety of new treatments compared to a range of alternative treatments. It considers a range of relevant treatments across EU member states. The resulting JCA report informs national HTA processes.

·      Aim:
The JCA aims to eliminate inequality across European countries, reduce redundancy in the parallel national HTA processes, increase quality of […]