Quantify will be well-represented at this year’s European ISPOR congress, which is held in Glasgow, Scotland. We will be presenting some of our latest research and display our company in the exhibition hall.

We welcome the opportunity to meet with you! Either just drop by our booth #210 for a coffee and a chat; or book one of our free consultation time slots. We have reserved time for ten 30 minutes free consultations on a first-come first-served basis. Specialists in RWE study design, modelling and Nordic Market Access will be available, to provide condensed input and advice to a pre-specified question. Just email us, including a headline summary of the topic, to book your meeting. In our booth, we will also display Qfront, the Quantify interactive web app for value communication. Our poster presentations will cover RWE, literature review and cost-effectiveness topics. Please see the list below:

Monday (18:60-19:30):

  • “Risk of major osteopooric fracture (hip, vertebal, radius, humurus (MOF)) after first, second and third fragility fracture in a Swedish general population cohort”. Authors: Jonsson E, Ström O, Spångéus A, Åkesson K, Ljunggren Ö, Borgström F, Banefelt J, Toth E, Libanati C, Charokopou M
  • “Correlation of minimal clinically important differences between patient reported outcome measures related to spinal surgery”. Authors: Hansson-Hedblom A, Jonsson E, Fritzell P, Hägg O, Borgström F
  • “Surgical treatment outcome of lumbar disc herniation (LDH) in different ages”. Authors: Jonsson EHansson-Hedblom A, Fritzell P, Hägg O, Borgström F
  • “Societal cost patterns by spine surgical outcome group and patients treated with spinal cord stimulation following spine surgery”. Author: Jonsson E, Hansson-Hedblom A, Kirketeig T, Fritzell P, Hägg O, Borgström F
  • (12:45-13:45) “Costs of grade 3 and 4 adverse events associated with current cancer treatment – cost estimations for Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark”. Author: Lauppe R, Carlqvist P, Chavez B, Lundqvist I, Ohna A, Widén J

Tuesday (12.30-13.30):

  • “The cost-effectiveness of ustekinumab in moderate to severely active Crohn’s disease in Sweden”. Authors: Hansson-Hedblom A, Almond C, Borgström F, Sly I, Enkusson D, Troelsgaard Buchholt A, Karlsson L

Wednesday (12.45-13.45):

  • “Beyond product value – a holistic approach for value assessment”. Authors: Miltenburger C, Borgstrom F