9 May 2024

Ispor days

2024-05-13T09:44:49+02:00May 9, 2024|All, Conferences, Other|

The Quantify team enjoyed reconnecting with colleagues, meeting new faces, presenting our research, and drawing inspiration from the scientific program.

We’re already excited for ISPOR EU in Barcelona! If we didn’t get a chance to meet or if you’d like to […]

8 May 2024

Day 2 at ISPOR

2024-05-08T10:03:36+02:00May 8, 2024|All, Conferences, Other|

As Day 2 at ISPOR annual comes to close, the Quantify team is feeling thankful for another day connecting with industry colleagues, partners, and some great programming. If we haven’t see you yet, it’s not too late – drop by […]

7 May 2024

First day at ISPOR!

2024-05-08T10:04:25+02:00May 7, 2024|All, Conferences, Other|

The Quantify team had a great first day at ISPOR and we’re looking forward to what tomorrow has in store. Drop by booth 337 to say hello!

Also – don’t miss our poster on the Economic Burden of Prescription Opioid Abuse in […]

16 Apr 2024

SHEA Conference!

2024-04-17T09:51:43+02:00April 16, 2024|All, Conferences|

The Quantify team had a great first day at SHEA!

The team contributed to a theme session, an oral presentation and a poster presentation, and had the opportunity to reconnect with many familiar faces.

We are looking forward to meeting many more […]

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