Extensive article today in the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter on the increasing burden of fatty liver disease (NAFLD), including an interview with Associate Professor Hannes Hagström, co-creater of the HERALD liver data platform together with Quantify Researchs Emilie Toresson Grip and Oskar Ström.

Key messages of the article are:
– Extensive need to raise awareness of fatty liver disease, to be considered in e.g. routine follow-up and risk assessment in T2DM care.
– Important to identify high-risk patients and act early to avoid severe complications and large individual patient burden.
– Without earlier identification of high-risk patients and with continued lack of available treatments in combination with increasing prevalence of key risk factors such as obesity, the future societal burden associated with fatty liver disease will increase substantially and require even more resources from limited health care budgets.

Want do discuss more? Quantify can provide in-depth, disease specific expertise in RWE study design and HTA considerations in NAFLD – feel free to book a meeting today through info@quantifyresearch.com.

Read the full article here (in Swedish): https://www.dn.se/sverige/fettlever-okar-dramatiskt-sa-vet-du-om-du-ar-drabbad/