How has the Western Pacific Region progressed towards the World Health Organization’s goals for psoriasis care? Find out in the IFPA’s (International Federation for Psoriasis Associations) recently published Index Report, co-authored by Quantify Research!

In the report, five key recommendations are presented to stakeholders:

1.      Pursue reductions in psoriatic disease stigma
2.      Reduce the stigma associated with mental health care from the perspectives of both patients and care providers
3.      Promote accessibility and equality of care for those who live in remote areas
4.      Reduce patients’ cost burden, partly by advancing universal health coverage
5.      Reduce waiting times for specialists

This work involved a multidisciplinary project group including Quantify’s Evidence Review and Synthesis and Medical Writing and Editorial teams in collaboration with IFPA. Though a series of literature reviews and stakeholder interviews, the progress of Australia, China, Japan, Philippines, and Singapore were measured and assessed.

In summary, the authors write that “collaboration between various stakeholders including patients and their representatives, care givers, and decision-makers is necessary to ensure that these recommendations are implemented effectively for the wellbeing of people living with psoriatic disease in the WPR region.”