(For Danish, scroll down ?) We are thrilled to announce that Quantify Research has partnered with Niels Christian Hirsch, who will act as a Senior Advisor to Quantify’s Nordic and Danish market access and market uptake projects, providing invaluable strategic advice to our clients. Following the build-up of our Danish team in 2021, this partnership strengthens Quantify’s local Danish service offering to complement our strong cross-Nordic practice in market access and strategic advice.

A well-known Danish and Nordic industry leader, Niels Christian brings a wealth of experience to Quantify’s clients, with extensive senior management experience from both industry, public procurement, and assessment of new medicines. He previously held a key role as the Managing Director and Chief Advisor at the Danish HTA body RADS, contributing to its establishment of The Danish Medicines Council with over four decades of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, Niels Christian has served in various roles, including as the Marketing and Sales Director in industry on both global and local levels.

We are excited to offer our clients, particularly those with Danish and Nordic responsibilities, in-depth expertise and advise through our partnership with Niels Christian.

Get in touch with us to find out more!

Vi er begejstrede for at meddele, at Quantify Research har indgået et partnerskab med Niels Christian Hirsch, der i rollen som seniorrådgiver vil levere værdifuld strategisk rådgivning til vores kunder inden for vores danske og nordiske projekter vedrørende Market Access og markedsoptag. Efter opbygningen af vores danske team i 2021, styrker dette partnerskab Quantify´s lokale danske serviceudbud ved at komplementere vores stærke tværnordiske opgaveløsning inden for Market Access og strategisk rådgivning.

Som en velkendt dansk og nordisk industrileder bringer Niels Christian en rigdom af erfaring til Quantify’s kunder med omfattende senior ledelseserfaring indenfor både industri, offentlige udbud og vurdering af ny medicin. Tidligere har Niels Christian haft en central rolle som administrerende chef og rådgiver for det danske sundhedsteknologiske vurderingsinstitut RADS og bidraget til oprettelsen af det danske Medicinråd. Med mere end fire årtiers erfaring inden for den farmaceutiske industri, har Niels Christian beklædt flere forskellige stillinger, herunder som direktør for marketing og salg på både globalt og lokalt niveau.

Vi er spændte på at kunne tilbyde vores kunder, især dem med ansvar for Danmark og Norden, dybdegående ekspertise og rådgivning gennem vores partnerskab med Niels Christian.

Kontakt os for at få mere af vide!

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