As the number one provider of Nordic registry studies, Quantify sits at the heart of Scandinavia.

The Nordics typically refers to Northern European countries with similar history, culture and social structures.
They include Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden plus some autonomous territories.

Their commonalities stretch far into the health care sector with universal access and centralized data records, enabling our renowned high-quality studies at low cost.
Historically, Scandinavia refers to Denmark, Norway and Sweden; the latter two being divided by the Scandinavian mountain range, and all three speaking quite similar languages.

However, in the rest of the world, the Nordics and Scandinavia are used interchangeably, while Scandinavia seems more widely recognized. Being a global research company, Quantify consider the two geographical terms the same.

To us, Scandinavia represents quality, trust and creativity- values which are shared by our organization.

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