Our capabilities have significantly expanded, allowing us to offer comprehensive support for your Finnish data and access needs.

As the leading provider of Nordic RWE and market access services, we’ve strengthened our Finnish presence to deliver:
▪ End-to-end RWE including patient-level data access, biobanks, Findata permits, statistical analyses, reporting, manuscripts, and other medical communications
▪ Economic modelling, reimbursement dossiers, and strategic support to ensure your product reaches patients in need, through PPB or hospital channels
▪ Expert medical writing, systematic literature reviews, and meta-analyses to make sense of the high volume of research and HTA decisions, to support internal decision making, medical teams, and create strong value messaging

Quantify’s experts can help you align your Finnish strategy with a broader market access approach and put Finnish RWD in the context of other potential data sources globally.

Ready to succeed in Finland and beyond?
Get in touch with our local Finnish experts Ville Perälä and Katja Nolvi to discuss your current needs and priorities.