Quantify is proud to announce our latest publication based on NORDSTAR – the world’s largest asthma data set – in collaboration with our colleagues in the Nordic Severe Asthma Network (NSAN), Novartis, and Sanofi Regeneron. Our team, including OliviaPatrik, & Kirk, found it particularly rewarding to work alongside NSAN, led by Celeste Porsbjerg (PI), Apostolos Bossios, & Lauri Lehtimäki, and Anna von Bülow and Susanne Hansen, PhD, MSc at NSAN, Maija Wolf at Novartis, and Sheila Tang at Sanofi, whose contributions were invaluable.

This groundbreaking study used population registries in multiple Nordic countries to examine the prevalence and management of severe asthma. Key findings:
? Severe asthma was prevalent in adults with asthma (3.5-5.4%) but relatively rare in children (≤1%)
? A large proportion of patients with severe asthma were not managed by a respiratory specialist

Check out the full paper:

#asthma #respiratoryhealth #publichealth #research #Nordiccountries #RealWorldData #RealWorldEvidence #HealthResearch #EvidenceBasedMedicine https://nordstar-nsan.com/