That’s a possible conclusion to draw from Sweden’s HTA body The Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency, TLV‘s report published this week, on the topic of improving access to drugs for rare diseases.

The pharmaceutical market has shifted in recent decades to a landscape where more highly specialized medicines are developed for small patient populations, with illnesses that often are severe. However, costs relating to drug development, manufacturing and distribution are substantial, which TLV acknowledges in their report.

As a consequence, TLV suggests that patient volume should affect the willingness to pay – a higher cost per quality adjusted life year (QALY) should be accepted for drugs with very few eligible patients. On the other hand, TLV highlights a potential need to create cost savings from drugs sold in very high volume, either by reducing the acceptable cost per QALY for new drugs, or through mandatory price cuts when sales volumes reach a certain level.

The TLV’s report creates both opportunities and challenges for manufacturers. Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss the strategic implications for your product pipeline or for strategic support with your reimbursement submissions over a cup of coffee ☕

Click here to read the full report.

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